A Real-Life Story on How to Choose a Programming Bootcamp that Will Not Disappoint

Kenneth Anyamba
3 min readFeb 5, 2024

Read this before you enroll in that beginner-to-expert programming bootcamp.

A frustrated emoji
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

2023 was a rollercoaster for me. I lost my technical writing job. It was my final year in the university and I spent my entire time working on my thesis, preparing for final exams, and all that comes with being a finalist. I defended my thesis five months ago and decided to learn software engineering.

I liquidated my savings to pay for a four-month full-stack web development boot camp. This turned out to be a bad decision. The boot camp over-promised. I figured from hindsight that four months is too short to get a solid foundation in full-stack development.

I covered seventy percent of the lectures and still felt empty. To make things worse, the tutor (in my opinion) does not have a strong grasp of the topic. Or perhaps he doesn’t know how to teach. Either way, he is not the right person for the job. I lost my morale and quit the course.

Already I have covered HTML and CSS sections so I got a Javascript course on Udemy. The tutor was all I needed to grasp Javascript. I could feel myself assimilating the new knowledge. I have built 5 projects alongside the tutor with one more to go.

Here is my advice before you enroll in any course

Social Proof: How many people have taken the course before and what are they saying about the tutor? Go through the positive and negative comments. This is where third-party course hosting platforms like Udemy excel. Ratings are more transparent because tutors cannot influence them. Keep in mind that a course with a 5.0-star rating is not necessarily better than a 4.5 course if the latter has significantly more reviewers. Compare and contrast.

What topics are covered: More topics are not always the best option. Some tutors make their courses more enticing with trendy add-ons. Don’t be a monger. There are thousands and one intersting stuff popping up every day. Grasp the basics first and others can be scooped on the go later. More so, a short course with a good foundation will help you to finish faster, get the dopamine burst, and dive right into building your portfolio. This is what the industry needs.

Community: Programming is already a hard nut. Cracking it alone is the only harder thing. Even if you are a self-learner like me, there are a few times you need to engage with co-learners. Just having someone with a similar challenge may be all you need to keep going. What is more? You make valuable connections you can leverage in the future.

High cost is not always high value: I don’t think I need to say this again. Do not break the bank because some guy on the internet said you will be an expert after a 30-hour lecture. My bet. The guy is a run-of-the-mill programmer looking for extra cash. You may not even finish the course if you are not well taught.

Programming is a marathon. There is no quick fix; if you are not in for the grind, you are not the guy. Find a way to have fun while learning. For me, I try to customize the project while coding along. When we built a restaurant menu, I changed the dishes to local dishes. The tutor likes Italian dishes. LOL.

Finish that course: Once you are enrolled, zero your mind and shut the noise until you are done. This has a good effect on your psyche and boosts your confidence because you know you can get things done.

I want to use this medium to showcase my work and document my experiences for the next person. I will publish my mistakes as I make them so you don't repeat them. My writing will be natural without sugarcoating or trying to sound like a corporate robot. I’m five months old in the industry after all.

If you are a complete beginner looking for a more experienced beginner to hand out their experiences, this handle is for you. Follow me and stay tuned.

