Kenneth Anyamba
4 min readOct 13, 2021


Intro To Lucky Pool and Space of KeplerSwap

Blockchain technology use is becoming popular with a rising global adoption. At the same time, DeFi use has been gaining momentum with the continuous promotion of blockchain technology.

Presently, DeFi development is at version 1.0 with its limitations. Thus, there’s the arrival of version 2.0 of DeFi development, which keplerSwap is spearheading.

KeplerSwap DeFi 2.0 Vision

Most DeFi projects are currently associated with token issuance aiming to increase token minting. The projects haven’t generated fresh innovations to Crypto, community, and distribution management.

It became unsustainable when it started rolling out mining infrastructure by participants. Users don’t participate or engage in community governance.

The lack of governance made many miners focus on some highly rewarding tokens at the early stage. This has negatively affected the DeFi development and platform’s liquidity.

Thus, Kepler Technical Team aims to overcome the present dilemma by creating a sustainable and effective cross-chain DeFi system with DeFi 2.0.

DeFi 2.0 would be a significant improvement from the DeFi 1.0. It will shift the concentration from gaining mining rewards to creating a sustainable and effective platform for long-term liquidity contribution.

Lucky Pool and Space are vital features of the keplerSwap Ecosystem.

The Lucky Pool of KeplerSwap

keplerSwap features a Lucky Pool to encourage active liquidity providers. Lucky Pool incentives users to participate in the liquidity market. It rewards them with some random rewards.

This feature aims to make users bring liquidity and put high random rewards in return. Users with a given liquidity market amount will engage in the Lucky Pool raffle and liquidity marketing to make revenue.

The entry requirements for Lucky Pool include:

The major requirement is being the leading X% in the liquidity market-making contribution from the additional weekly referrals. And the leading Y% in liquidity providers.

Note; users or traders who fulfill the entry requirement have one opportunity to redeem their rewards in that week.

Bonus Allotment; Only one lucky qualified trader would have the 50% bonus from the pool. The remaining 50% bonus will be given to the remaining qualified users.

The qualified users need to redeem their reward in 72 hours. It’d be returned to the pool for next week if they didn’t redeem the rewards.

The Running Formula:

Smart Contract generates this process. The Smart Contract chooses a random number of users. The 50% bonus from the pool is given to one user. The remaining 50% is given to users equally.

The rule of choosing a user to get 50% of the reward involves:

keplerSwap will get a random number from the ChainLink chain. Then, an algorithm is randomized with miner information, transaction information, and user information.

The Lucky Pool random number formula is:

  • let data1= hash (block.timestamp, block.difficulty, msg.sender, block.coinbase, block.number)
  • let data2 = hash (, gasleft(), tx.gasprice)
  • let data = hash (last_data1, last_data2) Letnum=uint8(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(data1, data2, userinput)))%10);
  • Let success=num=1

The KeplerSwap Space Function

The KeplerSwap Space feature is used to increase vertical relationships among its users. It aims to expand user or traders’ rights while realizing autonomous organization.

In other words, the Space function enhances connections among KeplerSwap users. And it expands the user’s benefit in realizing community autonomy.

More so, Space allows users to use their resources to have ideal decentralized governance.

The Space features include:

  1. A Space Creation Feature

A user, while meeting some requirements, can submit a Space Creation application if he has contributed efforts in the liquidity market making. Or if he has referred other users to contribute to liquidity market making.

The user will be the Space Owner when the application has been approved.

  1. A Space Voting Feature

Every token holder has the right to vote at Space elections. Each user is required to enter the Space. After successfully entering Space, it can’t be changed. Users or traders can vote for Space.

  1. A Space Interest Feature

A Space Owner is given all rewards that relate to liquidity market-making from its Space members. The Space owner might have an additional reward from the contribution pool if he wins the Space voting.

  1. A Vote Counting Feature

7 days is the voting time frame. The first 5 days is the voting period, while the last 2 days is the counting period.

  1. A Vote Withdrawal Feature

At the voting time frame, the votes token will be implemented quickly. There won’t be any withdrawal from the pool on the voted token.

A user’s number of votes depends on its assets. It’s equivalent to token balance plus the number of collateral tokens locked in the liquidity participation.

In addition, the leading 20 Space owners who have the major votes can share their rewards fairly. When the amount of votes is the same, it’ll compare based on the locked-up collateral value of users.

At the same time, when the value is the same, it’ll compare chronologically to the user’s statement of account. The user’s reward can be redeemed at any period. It ensures that users will get more rewards if they become more active in Space.

Final Thought

Lucky Pool and Space are important in the keplerSwap platform. In particular, Space has been the ecological development cornerstone.

Active users in Space possess more decision-making rights. They can offer better directions on market and construction development.

Generally, keplerSwap users will gain greater benefits with the Space feature. Click here to start.

